Monday, 2 July 2007

Generation 2 - Families

1, Hyacinth Avenue,

Dear Mama,

I was elated when Cyd first told me about your visit. But what happened? Why did you argue? Cyd won't talk about it and he now refuses to see you.

Cyd Upsets Doris

I know Cyd can be a little hot-headed but please don't let this disagreement stand in the way of you and your grandson. Edward has green eyes just like his Grandma - I simply know you will love him the moment you see him.

Victoria with baby Edward

I also need your help and advice, Mama. Motherhood is tiring and with a second baby on the way I need someone to talk to. Cyd is useless, he does nothing but read books all day. He doesn't seem to realise that I would like to relax occasionally.

Cyd at his Favorite Occupation

I miss my job which I gave up the moment I became pregnant. If only women could work and bring up a family. My new life is a continual round of diaper changes and bottle feeds. Is this all a woman can hope for in life?

Victoria feeds Edward

I hope that you will visit again soon, Mama. I long to talk to you and share my new experiences of motherhood with you.

I miss you and Poppa.

Your loving daughter,


-------- *** --------

1, Hyacinth Avenue,

Dear Mama,

How I can ever thank you enough?! The day you visited was the happiest day of my life. It means so much to know that you are there for us and that the children will grow up to know their grandma.

Victoria and Doris Reunited

Edward adores you and it is such a relief to have some time to myself while you care for him.

Doris Cares for her Grandson

I understand that you are still furious with Cyd and the way he treated you. But I am grateful that we can put our disagreements behind us for the sake of George and his new baby sister, Emma.

Baby Emma

Perhaps next time, Poppa will accompany you? Do you think he will soon forgive me for eloping with Cyd?

I will take my leave of you now but very much look forward to your next visit.

Your loving daugter,

-------- *** --------

1, Hyacinth Avenue,

My dear, crazy, twin brother,

Congratulations on yet another promotion. And a medal of honour! But when are you going to come home and visit your family? You have a tiny nephew and niece who long to meet their Uncle George, the war hero! Seriously, George, please come home soon. I miss you. Life is so dull without you.

Mama and Cyd are still rowing about goodness knows what.

Doris and Cyd

And Cyd's filthy dog is nothing but trouble. I hate that dog! I have to clean his smelly kennel.

Victoria cleans the Kennel

And he's always getting into fights with the oddest looking strays...

Biting off a little too much?

But it seems that I'm the only sane person in this house. The dog watches over baby Emma...

Guarding the Baby

And even Edward adores the smelly beast...

Edward and Dog
Married life just isn't all that I expected. At first, I was so in love with Cyd that I thought about him all the time...

Victoria thinks about Cyd

But then the children came along and I had to give up work. I care for the little ones while Cyd spends most of his time using our latest acquisition - the telephone. It is a marvellous invention but Cyd seems to spend all his time chatting to people from work.

Cyd on the Telephone

And when I come within hearing distance he slams down the receiver and will not tell me who he was talking to. I wish I knew why he was so obsessed with the contraption, I can't imagine who he is talking to or what it is about...

Cyd on the Telephone Again

Oh, George, please write soon and tell me all about your adventures in the Army. Anything to cheer up my dreary life!

Your lonely sister,


Contents Next


SirenPrincess said...

I love Victoria's dress. Your screen shots are very nice. Thanks for an interesting update.

Twoyys4me said...

It's sad that Doris and Cyd aren't getting along but Victoria seems to be coping really well, especially with her new additions to the family.
Great storytelling as always, very enjoyable update.

ASimWen said...

Oh my gosh another update. :) So tell me. Are you keeping some kind of timeline...ya know...about what was available when? And matching the clothes to the period? I see Cyd and Victoria now have a phone. And Victoria's dress doesn't seem as "victorian" as her mothers. Nice thin line you have drawn there.

Kerry said...

Oh, good, an update on George! But, boo, Cyd! You wastrel, you! Perhaps this is why Doris is giving him that look in the picture! She knows better than Victoria what sort of man he really is!

I'm enjoying the gradual "evolution" of the clothing and furnishings, too. Very cool. Looking forward to the next update!

Ziese52 said...

I love you girl names! Victoria and Emma are 2 of my 3 favorites ever. The phone is perfect! You obviously put a lot of time into downloading the appropriate stuff. I wonder who Cyd is talking to about WooHoo!